The Art of Saying “NO”

No is not a bad word, and it's important to make sure that you are not overcommitting your time and resources. As an entrepreneur and business owner, it’s hard to say “No” to potential business. And when you do say “No”, it can be hard to know how. Turning down a client who is asking too much or not understanding the price will help us in the long run.

The key to saying no effectively is to be kind and understanding about it. Rather than giving an excuse for why you can't take on the project, share why it would be better for them if they found another provider because you don't have the time or resources to commit to their work.

If a client wants something that you don't have the capacity for, don't hesitate to tell them so. There may be an opportunity for them elsewhere and turn the "no" into a "yes". But if you can't work together with a client on the project, kindly tell them that's not possible and try to provide feedback on why. Similarly, if you are simply in over your head, no matter how much they offer, don't take the job.

However, turning down a client can be one of the most important parts of being an entrepreneur or business owner! It is important because if you don't politely say "no" then you might burn out from doing too much work for one person, have no time for yourself or your other clients, or get taken advantage of by a hard-to-please client who has some unrealistic expectations.

It’s never easy to say “no” to a client. As entrepreneurs and business owners, we are often taught that we need to take on any project that comes our way, and that it is better to be safe than sorry. However, this viewpoint is not always the best for your work or life as a whole.

In this week’s podcast episode, we talk about when to say no, how to say no, and why you should say no to some things so you can focus on great things.

The balance of saying “no” is an art form. It takes careful thought and intentionality in order to do it correctly and without guilt or regret. The key with saying “no” is maintaining credibility while keeping your sanity.


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